Friday, 26 July 2013

Page 74-clauses in complex sentences. Some examples

• To develop competency and variety of style, practise varying the order of clauses so that your sentences don’t all follow the same formula and start the same way. Your choices are:
i) main clause followed by one or more subordinate clauses e.g. ‘The cat fell asleep, after it had eaten, although someone had switched on loud music.’
ii) subordinate clause(s) followed by main clause e.g. ‘After it had eaten, the cat fell asleep.’
iii) subordinate clause followed by main clause followed another subordinate clause e.g. ‘After it had eaten, the cat fell asleep, although someone had switched on loud music.’
iv) main clause containing embedded subordinate clause e.g. ‘The cat, which had been sleeping all day, fell asleep again.’
v) main clause containing embedded subordinate clause, followed by another subordinate clause e.g. ‘The cat, which had been sleeping all day, fell asleep again, even though there was loud music playing.’

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